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Pasture-Raised Beef
Our cows are raised on plenty of pasture, resulting in happier cows and a healthier meat!
Our balancer herd is a cross between Angus and Gelbvieh. This cross combines growth and leanness with calving ease of the Angus, moderate size, and marbling.
Our herd is raised on pasture and supplemented with grain and hay. Raising our cows on pasture allows them to express natural behaviors, and forage the way they were designed to.
Filet (2/pk) $22.00
Bone in Ribeye $17.00
Bone in NY Strip $19.99/lb
Flank $12.00/lb
Skirt $12.00/lb
Roasts $10.00/lb
Beef Bratwurst $10.00
Beef for Stew $8.00
Brisket $8.00/lb
Short Ribs $9.00/lb
Ground Beef $6.00/lb
Hamburger Patties $6.50/lb
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